Your puppy is chewing all your favourite shoes and your furniture is covered in drool. Don’t panic. There is a solution.
Is your puppy the only family member with better taste in shoes than you? Thankfully, chewing is a normal puppy behaviour that can easily be redirected.
With some positive training, puppy care, and understanding, you can stop your puppy from chewing to ensure your blossoming bond (and footwear!) remains intact.
Why is my puppy chewing?
Your puppy may be teething
You’re not the only one hurting when your new shoes become a dog’s breakfast. Similar to when babies are teething, puppies’ gums can be sore when they go through the teething stage.
Your puppy will start teething when they are about 4-5 months old and. Teething lasts until 6-7 months of age. During this time your puppy’s permanent teeth will push out and replace all of their baby teeth.
Understandably, this can be painful for your poor pup, causing them to chew or bite to help relieve the discomfort.
Visit your local Greencross Vets for a puppy dental checkup to make sure all their teeth are grown in properly before their permanent adult teeth set in.
Your puppy is exploring
It’s a brave new world for your furry little explorer. Because puppies can’t grasp things with their paws, they use their mouths to discover their surroundings.
Rather than trying to stop chewing altogether, teach your puppy what is ok for them to chew and what isn’t. Limit the potential damage by puppy proofing your home and removing valuable or dangerous items from their reach.
How to stop puppies chewing
Stay calm but firm
Your puppy may chew when hungry or bored. Even if you catch them red handed – gnawing at the leg of your dining table or nibbling away at your hands and feet – try not to lose your cool. A simple “no” will suffice. Getting upset may excite your puppy and encourage attention-seeking behaviour.
Make sure they’re not in pain
Teething hurts and chewing helps relieve the pain.
Try giving your puppy some dedicated toys to chew on during this time so they stay away from your belongings. For additional pain relief, stuff a Wobbler Kong with a treat and freeze it – the cool helps numb teething pains. with a treat and freeze it – the cool helps numb teething pains.
If you think your puppy is experiencing pain as a result of teething, make sure to take them to your local Greencross Vet for a dental check.
Provide toys as a distraction
Greencross Vets recommend toys of different shapes, tastes and textures – giving your bundle of enthusiasm some variety so that they don’t get bored. Make sure they have plenty of toys and activities to entertain them throughout the day.
To distract your puppy from the pain of their mouth, a chase toy is a good, interactive start. Alternatively, a plush squeaky toy stimulates a variety of their senses. Read our guide on how to choose the best chew toys for your puppy.
Use taste deterrents
If your puppy remains attached to your shoe collection even after you’ve supplied them with suitable toys to sink their teeth into, apply an anti-chew spray to your puppy’s items of choice. These have a bitter taste which will soon discourage your puppy from going near your things with their mouth.
Make sure they aren’t hungry
Providing quality food at regular intervals should prevent your puppy from feeling compelled to supplement its diet with a shoe. If you’re having trouble getting your puppy used to chew toys, try using a Kong smeared with something tasty.
Having your belongings chewed is a rite of passage of dog ownership. Make sure to follow these tips to save your shoes and reduce your puppy’s chewing behaviour.