In Australia, ticks are one of the potentially deadly parasites pet parents need to look out for. Read on to learn what ticks on dogs look like and the steps you can take to protect your dog from these parasites.
What are ticks?
Ticks are potentially lethal parasites that feed on your dog’s blood and. Some ticks secrete toxins into their pet’s bloodstream which can cause serious paralysis that can be fatal to your pet. Hot and humid weather can increases the risk of ticks on dogs and other parasites, especially in bushland or grassy areas – though they are present all throughout the year.

Where ticks are commonly found in Australia.
What do ticks look like on dogs?
Ticks are six legged parasites with long protruding mouth pieces. Their bodies are usually brown or grey in colour. The size of a tick varies depending on how much blood it has consumed.
When they are attached and feeding on a dog, it may look like a skin tag, lump, or nipple. The skin around the tick may appear red and/or swollen.

What types of ticks cause problems for dogs in Australia?
There are two major types of ticks that may affect your dog – the paralysis tick and brown dog tick. Bush ticks and cattle ticks can also be a nuisance for dogs in rural parts of Australia.

Paralysis ticks
Paralysis ticks are dangerous parasites. When they bite a pet, they inject a deadly neurotoxin. This toxin is absorbed into the blood, and works its way into the nervous system, causing progressive paralysis of all muscles, including those of the throat, chest, legs and heart.
While they are more active during the warmer months along the east coast of Australia, they are a year-round threat. Paralysis ticks are usually found near bushland, where they can attach themselves to your dog while you’re out walking. However, they can also attach themselves to dogs in urban areas.
Signs your dog has been bitten by a paralysis tick
It’s important to know the signs of a paralysis tick attaching to your pet, and what to expect if it happens. Ticks can attach to your pet as they walk past or through grasses or bushes. The signs of tick paralysis can vary, though common signs include:
- A change to the sound of the dog’s bark
- Retching or coughing, or an exaggerated swallowing action that may sound like the dog is trying to clear its throat
- Regurgitation
- Wobbliness in the hind limbs or unsteady walk progressing to the front limbs. Dogs may not be able to jump as usual or may keep sitting down
- Rapid or difficulty breathing, often characterised by open mouth breathing
If your dog is showing any of these signs it’s important that it is treated appropriately as soon as possible. Any delay in treatment puts them at greater risk of succumbing to the effects of tick paralysis. Contact your local Greencross Vets for more information or for treatment of your pet.
What should I do if my dog has a paralysis tick?
If see a tick on your dog, remove it immediately and place it in a jar or ziploc bag so your vet can identify it. The longer a tick is able to feed on a dog, the more likely it is to cause severe paralysis. Therefore the earlier treatment is sought, generally the better chance of survival.
Contact your local Greencross Vets or emergency veterinary hospital immediately and describe the signs your pet is exhibiting. Your healthcare team will highly recommend that your pet is seen immediately! Keep your pet cool and as calm as possible especially on the trip to the vet clinic.
Brown dog ticks
While not as dangerous as paralysis ticks, brown dog ticks can cause a lot of irritation. Large numbers may cause dermatitis or anaemia. Recently it has been found to transmit a serious disease called Canine Erlichiosis in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
The brown dog tick is present in northern Australia and more typically seen in dog kennels.
Cattle Ticks and Bush ticks
Cattle ticks and bush ticks are active in regional and tropical areas. The best policy is to check your dog regularly for ticks.
How can I protect my dog from ticks?
Stay up to date with tick prevention
As with most diseases, prevention of ticks on dogs is better than treatment. There are two types of products, those that repel ticks and those that kill a tick once it takes a blood meal from an animal. Petbarn provides a number of tick preventative treatments for dogs, including palatable chews, tablets, tick collars, spot-ons and spray products. These treatments exist to keep your pet safe.
Use our Flea, Tick and Worm Treatment Finder tool to learn which treatment products will provide your dog with complete protection against the ticks and other parasites in their area, or check out our top recommendations to keep your dog safe below.

Check your dog for ticks daily
In addition to preventative medication, it is essential to check your pet’s body for ticks daily, especially after walks. Remember that if your dog walks into long grass, undergrowth, under trees or if you have native wildlife near your pet’s environment, they are at high risk. If you are travelling to other areas with your dog, make sure you protect against ticks and start treatment before travelling.
Approximately 85-90% of paralysis ticks will attach around the head, neck, chest and shoulders but they can be sneaky and attach anywhere, even inside the mouth, between the toes and under the tail.

If you need any further advice about ticks and your dog, contact your nearest Greencross Vets for assistance in developing the most suitable tick prevention regime for your pet.