Trimming a dog’s toenails is one of those tasks that many dog owners would prefer to toss in the too-hard basket. After all, it’s fiddly, can be stressful, and is likely to put everyone in a bad mood.

So, can you get away with skipping a clipping?

Macro of dachshund paw

The short answer is no. Trimming your dog’s nails is a job that mustn’t be ignored.

Here are a few reasons why you need to take a deep breath and get it done.

1. Dogs can’t trim their own nails

As recently as a couple of centuries back, dogs were rarely kept as pets. Canines were workers first and foremost, and because they were out rounding up cattle and guarding flocks of sheep and racing after vermin all day, their nails were worn down naturally and didn’t need trimming.

These days however, the majority of dogs spend most of their time indoors. For many, their only exercise is a leisurely stroll around the block each day — if they’re lucky. Activity-induced pedicures are a thing of the past, which means it’s up to us to keep those nails in check.

2. Long nails are a health hazard for dogs

If your dog’s nails get too long, they’re more likely to break. This can leave the sensitive quick — which contains nerves and blood vessels — open to painful infections.

Dewclaws (aka the dog’s “thumbs”) can be hazardous, because they never come into contact with the ground and so don’t get worn down. This makes them prone to catching on things and being torn off. Be sure to take extra care to also maintain these nails too.

3. Unruly nails can cause pain for your dog

Excessively long nails can cause joint pain, arthritis and even skeletal damage, because they can make the bones in the feet flatten and change the way a dog walks. Trimming your dog’s nails helps avoid this.

4. Long nails can damage your floors and furniture

A few decades ago, everyone had carpet. These days, however, exposed floorboards are all the rage. While they may look great, they’re not compatible with long dog nails. Regular nail clipping will avoid nail divots and scratch marks on wooden floors, not to mention leather sofas, limestone tiles and other soft surfaces.

Frequently asked questions about nail trimming

Can I cut my dog’s nails with human nail clippers?

Dog nails are a different shape and thickness to human nails. Your adult dog’s nails will likely need to be cut using a specialised tool. Petbarn has a variety of nail trimmers designed specifically for dog claws for a safer and easier process.

How often should you cut a dog’s nails?

You should cut your dog’s nails every month or two. If your dog’s nails grow fast, they might need trimming more frequently. Check the condition of your dog’s paws regularly to see if there are any noticeable issues.

How short can I cut my dog’s nails?

It is very important that you do not cut your dog’s nails too short. If you cut the quick, it will cause considerable pain for your dog and can result in bleeding.

a diagram showing where to trim a dog's nail

Our guide on how to trim your dog’s nails can be found here.

Where can I get someone to trim my dog’s nails?

If you’re not confident trimming your dog’s nails, book your dog in for a nail trim at a Petbarn grooming salon or your local Greencross Vets, where the professionals can help you provide the best care for your pet.

Petbarn dog grooming