Fast, active, loyal and spirited, a Schipperke is a fun family dog. They are wonderful with children but also make great watchdogs suitable for apartment living.
Don’t even try to keep up with your lightning-fast Schipperke. Pronounced ‘skip-per-key’, this breed is a big dog in a small body. They are lively, alert, energetic, highly intelligent, a little mischievous but easy to train. They do have a mind of their own though so novice dog owners might want to rethink this breed. Don’t think of them as lapdogs, as despite their small size they are incredibly active and need copious amounts of exercise. Long daily runs as well as a romp at the park is all in a day’s work and they are unlikely to stop running until told to.
They do best in a large dwelling but don’t necessarily need a yard, provided they get plenty of daily exercise. They have a bad case of wanderlust and enjoy exploring the world. If you have a yard, make sure it’s fenced. One of the most curious and lively dog breeds, they are highly intelligent and learn very fast. They are great playmates for children and are friendly to other pets. Schipperkes live a relatively long life between 12 – 15 years.
Fun fact: Schipperkes were favoured to guard canal barges
in Belgium, earning them the nickname ‘Little Captain’.
This noisy, vocal dog will want to talk to you often and alert you to every noise or approaching guest. This makes them great watchdogs but isn’t so fun for your neighbours. Suspicious strangers beware, they will bark down the house before letting you inside. Some Schipperkes are born with tails and others without (it used to be a practice to dock their tails). Schipperkes shed little. They are clean animals and take care of their own grooming meaning no doggy odour. Brush their coat weekly.
Scheduled six-monthly health checks and visits to the vet are important to ensure your dog is healthy and happy throughout all life stages. It’s important that together with your vet a preventative healthcare program is determined and maintained based on the individual needs of your canine companion.
A small-sized breed weighing 5-8kgs with an average height of 21-33cms.
Provided your Schipperke gets enough exercise, they suit indoor living.
Energy Levels
They have high energy levels. A daily run and lots of games will keep this dog happy.
Difficulty Of Training
Intelligent dogs that learn quickly.
Family suitability
Great family pets and loyal companions.
Suitability to other pets
If socialised from a young age, your dog will befriend other pets.
Need for company
They have a high need for company and enjoy being by their human’s side at all times.
Hypoallergenic dog breed?
Coat and grooming needs
This breed is low-maintenance. Brush their coat weekly. They have a medium coat in solid black but can also have a tan or fawn coat, however this isn’t accepted by Breed Standards for show dogs.
They shed little.
Tendency to bark
They have a high tendency to bark.