As the weather gets colder, you might be wondering if your furry friend needs some extra warmth.
While some dogs and cats are naturally equipped to handle low temperatures, others might need a bit of help to stay comfortable and healthy. In this article, we’ll explore how to tell if your pet needs a jumper and what factors to consider when choosing one.
How to tell if your pet is feeling the cold
Some signs that your dog or cat may need a jumper are:
- Shivering, trembling, or curling up
- Slowing down, lagging behind, or refusing to walk
- Seeking shelter, hiding, or burrowing
If you decide to get a jumper for your pet, make sure it fits well and does not restrict their movement, breathing, or vision.
Breeds that benefit from a jumper
While most dogs and cats are covered with lustrous fur coats, it’s worth remembering that some have lighter fur layers than others. This is largely determined by the animal’s genetics and where its forebears lived. Of course, since domesticating these animals, they often find themselves in environments that they are not genetically suited to.
Even though many cities in Australia have a reputation for heat, most still go through temperature changes that can make most dogs and cats feel uncomfortably cold. There are also some breeds of dogs and cats that have difficulty retaining heat.
Cats susceptible to the cold
Growing a winter coat, or an undercoat, is a natural instinct for cats. However, cats such as the Cornish Rex and Sphynx don’t grow an undercoat and can feel the cold throughout the year, not just in winter.
Dog breeds susceptible to the cold
Little dogs such as Chihuahuas, Chinese Cresteds, Dachshunds, French Bulldogs, and Pugs may feel the colder temperatures more acutely.
Lean and short-haired dogs, such as American Pit Bull Terriers, Bulldogs, Boxers, Beagles, Greyhounds, Whippets, Pointers, Pinschers, and hairless breeds don’t have a furry coat to protect them, so you’ll need to provide them with warm dog clothing.
Puppies and kittens shouldn’t go outside in the extreme cold, as they don’t have the fat, metabolism or fur coat to sustain their body temperature. If you do take them outside to the toilet, for instance, a jumper or coat is a good option.
Be aware that adults of some more sensitive breeds may be reluctant to toilet outside if the grass is cold and wet. A portable indoor toilet may be a good option these dogs.
Older pets are also good candidates for jumpers as they tend to be more at risk in cold weather.
Health and lifestyle
Pets who suffer from arthritis may benefit from wearing a jumper, as the additional warmth can help prevent their joints from getting stiff and sore.
Jumpers are also beneficial for providing extra warmth to animals suffering from diseases that impair hair growth like hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease.
Use jumpers cautiously with long-haired dogs as jumpers can make their coat more prone to matting.
A jumper can be a great way to keep your pet warm and cosy in cold weather, as long as you choose one that fits well, suits their personality, and meets their needs. Monitor your pet’s comfort and health when wearing a jumper, and remove it if they seem unhappy, stressed, or overheated.
Where can you buy winter clothing for your pet?
Petbarn stocks a wide range of clothing for dogs and cats, including weatherproof gear, puffer vests, knits, coats and reflective, high-visibility gear. Find the perfect jacket for your furry friends at your nearest Petbarn store or click here to shop the winter range online.