“We adopted Milo in February from Petbarn Watergardens, but sometimes I wonder if he adopted us. It wasn’t long before Milo set out the new house rules!


There is a lot to say about Milo and how he interacts with the household. For starters, he’s always up for a cuddle, and he especially loves being brushed or a nice belly rub … that is, unless he’s in the mood to play. When he’s not doing laps around the house (what we like to affectionately call a ‘spac-attack’), Milo likes company. He may be reclining at the top of his cat pole, but he still wants people in the room with him. But he’s far from being an indoor cat. Milo loves being outdoors, running around when the humans are at work or school.

It’s hard to think of a time when Milo isn’t taking charge. He determines what time he’s going to sleep, and makes sure he has a play on the beds in the evening before turning in for the night. In the morning, Milo lets it be known that he’s awake, arising with a very loud pur. It’s not the alarm clock we set, but it does the job!

“We feel very lucky to have such a sociable and active addition to our family.”

Feeling like you want to add a pet friend to add to your loving family? Visit Petbarn’s adoption services page for more information.