We all know that pets make us feel better – did you know that having a pet bird could be good for your health?

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There’s a lot of evidence that pet interaction in general is wonderful for your health. Having pet companionship can alleviate stress and begin to cure disease such as depression. More seriously, studies have shown that pets can have cardiovascular benefits as a result of emotional improvements. Pets can also provide nonjudgmental support and birds have proven to be incredible companions when it comes to your health.

Caring and being cared for

For every human there is a basic need to nurture and take care of something. It makes us feel wanted and loved, while releasing endorphins. For the elderly, when children have flown the nest, pets can fulfil that need to be nurturing. Pet birds are particularly good for this, because they require a lot of personal attention and interaction with you in order to be healthy. It’s a two way street, with benefit for both pet and parent!

Social interaction

Certain birds love to talk and studies show they are intelligent with their interactions. Being greeted with a “Hello, hello” from your little winged buddy first thing in the morning, or when you arrive home at night is a great way to start or end the day.

No judgement learning

Birds are exceptional for young minds as they begin to express themselves and their feelings. Birds can encourage empathy and confidence in children as they can talk to them without fear of judgement. This makes it easy for them to learn to understand someone else’s thoughts and feelings.

Lower stress

No one enjoys stress, and it can be bad for your health. Playing with and talking to a pet will lower your levels of stress, and it will also lower your blood pressure. Cuddling your cockatoo or patting your budgie can be a great way to relieve stress or keep it at bay.

Keeping you sharp

Consistent interaction can keep our minds healthy and reduce the chances of mental illness. Teaching tricks to your bird, of any species, keeps your mind sharp as well as entertaining your feathered friend.

Petbarn supplies everything a new or experienced bird parent needs to look after their avian friend.